果蝇也有 incel


Wilson (42865) 发表于 24 年 01 月 24 日 23 时 19 分
来自蒲公英王朝 2:风暴之墙

根据发表在《PLOS Genetics》期刊上的一项研究,交配屡次遭拒的雄性果蝇会感到沮丧和压力巨大。研究人员比较了遭拒的雄性与最近交配过的雄性和未接触过异性的雄性之间的行为差异,发现前者更活跃、更具有攻击性,更少社交,处于类似挫折感的压力状态中。它们对饥饿和有毒杀虫剂的抵抗也更差。研究人员操纵了神经肽 F 的信号系统,发现这种压力反应受到了与神经肽 F 相关的大脑信号系统的调解。神经肽 F 与大脑奖励反应和应激反应相关。


Neuropeptide Y (NPY)

There is considerable anatomical overlap between brain regions that process reward and stress stimuli, as well as opposing functionality: exposure to natural rewards buffers the effect of stressors, while stressors such as social defeat can alter sensitivity to reward and increase the rewarding value of certain addictive drugs [27,3238]. An example of such opposing functions is seen in rodents where corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) increases alcohol intake, and the binding of Neuropeptide Y (NPY) to NPY receptor Y1 on CRF-positive neurons within the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) inhibits binge alcohol drinking [34,39,40].